The Online Maintenance Request System Management Platform is a system designed for online maintenance and repair requests suitable for campuses, businesses, communities, apartments, and other settings. The system features a user-friendly interface with simple operations, making it easy for all personnel to navigate without the need for extensive training. The repair homepage includes the following sections:
Priority Levels: Displays four levels of repair urgency - Immediate, Priority, Normal, and Allow Deferred. Each level shows the corresponding incomplete repair information, maintenance task status in the last 30 days, repair instructions, completed repair information within the last 7 days, repair evaluation ratings, and statistics on maintenance responsible personnel.
Maintenance Responsible Personnel: Provides information on existing maintenance responsible personnel, with functionalities such as editing, deletion, addition, and inquiry.
The system also includes modules for repair application, repair user management, reassignment application, management settings, leave application, and more. It is suitable for areas such as enterprises, schools, community property management, hotels, and other locations that require the deployment of maintenance personnel.