The number of enterprises using Shuntong Shoe ERP production software is increasing. So, what is the key to implementing ERP production management software? First, the purpose of comprehensive applicable process management is to strengthen collaboration and improve efficiency. Therefore, the object of process management is not the internal processes of individual departments but the cross-departmental and cross-position workflow. Second, goal-driven management improvement and informatization work need to be approached with new perspectives and methods. However, in the actual operational process, the key to the success of process management is the comprehensive mobilization of various departments by the person responsible for process management. Implementing process management in areas such as design, procurement, development, sales, and property management, leading to improved product quality, allows each department to experience the benefits and advantages of process management and informatization. Based on gradually reaching consensus and gaining understanding, implementation can then proceed step by step, expanding gradually into areas such as quality control and cost control. Process management projects focus on operational aspects and involve organizational change, permeating through every project process and almost all departments, requiring mutual coordination of relevant departments and a redistribution of rights and responsibilities. As resistance is likely to be encountered during this process, the emphasis of top management becomes crucial. In addition to focusing on changes in concepts and management systems, budgeting, and other aspects, the group also highly values management practice activities. It abolished the original paper approval process, rapidly transforming the enterprise from traditional management methods to process information control. Third, continuous optimization—the group has established a dynamic optimization and regular evaluation system for process management. While gradually implementing the process management plan, continuous refinement and correction of the process management process are carried out. Having achieved the core processes of marketing, customer service, design, procurement, and others, the group places a strong emphasis on process management in the area of cost control. Through process management, the group ensures the implementation of its strategic initiatives. The key to the successful implementation of Shuntong Shoe ERP production software lies in effectively managing these details to ensure positive outcomes.